It is possible to take different paths to achieve the same result: to produce excellence by becoming a reference model. A concrete example of this comes from the world of wine which, thanks to two companies with opposing business models, has joined the 59 “Deloitte Best Managed Companies”, an award that is part of the initiative of Deloitte, one of the largest consulting and market analysis companies in the world, supported by Altis Università Cattolica, Elite (the London Stock Exchange Group program that supports the development and growth of high potential companies) and Confindustria. The wine companies in question are Cantine Ferrari and Fantini Group (formerly Farnese Group, in rebranding just in these weeks, ed), two different, but equally effective, models of economic development.
The first, we are talking about the Trentodoc winery of reference, is based on a solid family-run business; the other is the case of the group, led by Valentino Sciotti - recently passed into the orbit of the US investment fund Platinum Equity - which, in its brilliant growth process, has chosen to look to financial partners and investment funds. Cantine Ferrari, owned by the Lunelli family, has consolidated over the years becoming one of the references of “family” entrepreneurship and Italian oenology, knowing how to renew and face the global challenge of the markets with foresight. Its bubbles are an icon of Italian style all over the world.
Vini Fantini, the group led by Valentino Sciotti, with Abruzzo roots but embracing the whole South of Italy, in a short time has become “the locomotive” among the export companies of southern Italy with 20 million bottles that touch 80 countries around the world. 97% of its revenue comes from outside the national borders. Fantini Group, just like Cantine Ferrari, is not the first year that affirms itself among the “Deloitte Best Managed Companies”, an award that was motivated by the jury with “innovation, passion, high quality and attractive packaging”.
“Success - stressed Valentino Sciotti - is not only making great wines, or selling a lot. Success is also having a professional team that through technical and commercial results makes a company efficient and healthy”. A concept, this, that goes well with any company philosophy.
“The companies awarded in this third edition - said Ernesto Lanzillo, Deloitte Partner and Private Leader for Italy, Greece and Malta - have demonstrated not only excellence in the six methodological pillars underlying the initiative, but also great ability and resilience in facing the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in progress. In fact, the evaluation of the candidates lasted longer than expected in order to allow us to deepen our understanding of how to manage the emergency on the part of the candidates. The 59 Best Managed Companies of this edition are therefore the mirror of an Italy made of excellence that, by leveraging its strengths and through prudent management, shows that it can successfully overcome a period of uncertainty without precedent”. A management success that is also economic: the best companies have recorded an average growth in turnover of 17%.
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