The export of Italian agri-food districts continues to grow, and wine districts, even if in a very slight decline, continue to play the role of the lion. “Monitor of Italian agri-food districts”, edited by the Research Department of Intesa Sanpaolo, stated that on 2024, June, 3, underlining the growth in foreign markets of agri-food districts, “which after having closed the first trimester 2024 with a trend increase of 6.6%, they follow the same rhythm in the second trimester, with progress of 6.4% compared to the same period 2023. The first six months of the year allow to reach over 14 billion euros of exports at current prices, 6.5% more (i.e. 857 million) compared to the first half of 2023”. The evolution, as the research underlines, is in line with that of the Italian agri-food total (+7.4%), of which the districts represent 44% in terms of exported values. The dynamic is more lively compared to other Italian manufacturing districts, which remain stable in the second trimester of the year (+0.4%). The supply chain of wine districts, representing about a quarter of the total export of agri-food districts, substantially closes the first semester 2024 unchanged, with almost 3.3 billion of exports (trend +0.7%), due to a slight slowdown of the second trimester of the year (-0.7%), which almost cancels the progresses of the first three months (+2.4%).
The most important district in terms of exported values, is absolutely that of Langhe, Roero and Monferrato wines closing the semester with a trend decrease of 4.7% (-2% in the second trimester) at quota 985 million euros, and moves back mainly towards Belgium (-31% in the semester), and Switzerland (-29%), whilst it gains ground in the Usa (+6.8%), in Germany (+3.8%), and in France (+2.8%). It slows down, but it remains a widely positive territory, the district of Veronese wines at 616 million euros (+2.3% in the second trimester, +6.7% in the semester). Same dynamic for Colli Fiorentini e Senesi wines at 437 million euros (respectively +0.1% and +3.6%), whilst Prosecco di Conegliano-Valdobbiadene accelerates in the second trimester (+11%, +6.1% in the semester) reaching 543 million euros thanks to the successes registered in the Usa ( respectively +26% and +9%), in Germany (+9% and +7%), and in Austria (+27% and +19%), whilst it brakes brusquely in Russia, even if it remains positive in the biannual balance sheet (-34% in the second trimester, +39% in the first six months of the year). Well, amongst others, the district of Vini e Distillati di Bolzano at 126 million euros, +2.3% in the first semester, and that of Montepulciano d’Abruzzo wines at 114 million euros with an increase of +3.2%.
Looking at the other industries of made in Italy, the supply chain of pasta and sweets keep on advancing quickly on international markets: in the first six months 2024, it makes about 2.3 billion of export (+6.2% on the same period 2023) thanks to the sprint of the second trimester (trend +8.3%). Amongst the districts of the supply chain, it is important to signal the very positive dynamic of Alba and Cuneo sweets, making about 150 million exports more compared on the first semester 2023 (+21%). The trend of Veronesi sweets and pasta is very positive, with 27 million more (+15%). Pasta industry of Parma food industry moves back slightly on abroad markets (whilst preserve industry of the district gains ground): there are about 17 million less in the semester (-2.8%).
Also the supply chain of agri-food districts accelerates bringing the biannual result in progress of 2.2% compared to the first half of 2023, for 2.02 billion euros. Amongst the districts which compose it, the major contribute comes from the apples of South Tyrol, with a bound of 22.5% in the first semester compared to the same period 2023. Also the dynamic of Catania fruit and vegetable is very positive (+12% in the biannual balance sheet). Romagnola fruit and vegetable registers a slight progress (+2,6%). Piedmontese hazelnut and fruit is strongly declining (-21%).
The supply chain of preserve contributes positively to the dynamic of export of agricultural districts, registering a 5.8% in the first semester 2024, corresponding to an increase of 88 million, for a total of 1.6 billion euros. Very well for the preserve industry of Parma food industry: +16% in the first semester, i.e. 35 million more (capable of compensating the negative trend of pasta and sweet industry of the district). A good result also for Neapolitan food industry, realizing an increase of 21 million in the semester in preserve industry (+9%), but it doesn’t manage to compensate the negative trend of pasta and sweet industry: overall, the district moves back by 2.6% in the semester. In the territory, the major district of the industry is also positive, i.e. Nocera preserve (+5.4%).
The supply chain of meat remains positive in the first semester 2024 (+3.8%), despite the slowing down of the second trimester (+1.5%), for a value of 1.3 billion euros. Modenese cured meats stand out with 23 million euros more in the first six months 2024 (+5.4% compared to the same period 2023). Good results also for Verona meats (+3.5% in the semester). Positive performance also for Parma cured meats (+6%). In decline Cremona and Mantua meats and cured meats (-4%).
In the dairy supply chain, which advances overall by 4.1% in the semester (50 million euros more, for a total of 1.2 billion euros), Parma dairy supply chain stands out (+38%). Southern-Eastern Lombardy dairy industry (-4.4%), and Mozzarella di Bufala Campana (-3.6%) move back slightly.
Coffee supply chain advances (trend +10% in the first semester 2024, for 770 million euros): well for Turinese coffee, confectioneries and chocolate (+7.4%). Positive trend also for Trieste coffee (+15.3%), and Neapolitan confectioneries (+13.8%).
The oil supply chain is the industry that contributes mostly to the increase in exports of agricultural districts in the semester: 390 million of exports more (+59%), for a total just above a billion euro, of which 293 made by Tuscan Oil district (+63% in the semester). Also the trend of Umbrian Oil (+44%), and that of the oil and pasta industry of Bari (+57%) are positive. The first Ismea estimates on 2024-2025 campaign indicate a slight recovery in quantitative terms, but not sufficient to recover the two past years, characterized by a strong productive drop due to climate changes. This has strongly influenced oil market, which saw an important price increase, still on elevated levels.
Rice supply chain recovers with a 2.1% in the second trimester: the balance sheet of the semester turns into a slightly positive territory (+0.6%) for 419 million euros. The two districts move together: +0.5% for Vercelli rice, +0.7% for Pavia rice.
At last, well for Polesine and Venetian district of fish (+13.7%) for a value of 59 million euros.
Germany confirms to be the first commercial partner for the products of agricultural districts in the first semester 2024 (trend +3.4%, at 2.5 million euros); double digit increases towards the Usa (+16.2%, for 1.8 billion euros), well also the flows destined to France (+3.6%, for 1.6 billion euros), the Uk is stable (+0.5%, at 1.05 billion euros). Emerging economies represent 20% of the total of agricultural district exports, still explains the Monitor, grow more than advanced economies both in the second trimester (+9.4% vs. +5.5%), both considering the first semester overall (+9.9% vs. +5.7%). Amongst these, it is worth signaling Poland (+11.4%), Czech Republic (+13.8%) e Romania (+13.4%). The flows towards Russia are also positive (+18.9%), despite the braking of the second trimester (-9.5%). They are stable in China (respectively +2.9% and -0.6%).
“The agri-food supply chain represents also for 2024 the central element of Italian export, with increasingly competitive products abroad thanks to the respect of quantitative high standards, of the value of territories, and mirror of an upright business fabric. In this context, Intesa Sanpaolo is committed to favor the continuous development of the industry, and the digital, technological, and energetic transition in order to safeguard consumers and environment, by the implementation of Agribusiness program, and the plan “Il tuo futuro è la nostra impresa”, which dedicates 15 billion euros of resources to the Italian agricultural industry”, commented Massimiliano Cattozzi, manager Agribusiness Direction Intesa Sanpaolo.
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