He has received 21 Michelin stars, and with his 20 restaurants in the world, he is one of the most accomplished chefs ever. He is Monsieur Alain Ducasse, who we met at La Badiola, in Maremma, of the Terra Moretti Group, his only Italian experience. "It is a wonderful experience; this is a unique area. And what Vittorio Moretti and Terra Moretti have done here is extraordinary. This is a destination that must be appreciated”. Territory is more and more a must for haute cuisine. "A chef has to protect what he has available where he is”, he explained, “and commit to cooking with less fat, salt, sugar and protein, and more grains and vegetables. And this territory allows us to do that.
"Ducasse, one of the greatest chefs in the world, except for an occasional participation in programs like the US “Master Chef”, is one of the least seen on TV. What do you think of the media exposure of the chefs as an opportunity to promote the culture of food? "To me it is important to create a cuisine that is simple, local, tasty, and respectful of nature. One must not stay confined to the kitchen, but also not just preach on TV: both words and deeds count”. In catering, today, is it more important to be a good chef or a good manager? "A chef is already a manager because he has to manage a team. First of all, of course, he must be a good cook. The combination of these two qualities will make him a good chef "...
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