It might seem like just another story, but it could have huge (and positive) effects on the alcohol market. Do you know how many Burger King restaurants there are in the world? 11.500 in 72 countries. It is obvious that with numbers like that, the fact that the U.S. fast food giant is opening stores and serving, along with burgers and king nuggets, beer and wine, is an incredible opportunity for the industry. It’s not the only one - even Starbucks (16.706 stores around the world) is already converting to the new business. The store located in Olive Way on Capitol Hill will be renovated: the coffee machine will be in the center, with wine and beer all around it and there will be more menu choices. The concept of territory, in the proper proportions, is beginning to be more and more important, even for those who think on a global scale: nectars will come from the Pacific North-east, or from the cellars of the wine districts of the States of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and the Canadian province of British Columbia, and beers from local and artisan producers. And, tests will be made in other countries, like Spain and Japan. If the experiment proves successful, the chain is ready to replicate it in other parts of the world. The beverage market players are paying great attention to this initiative.
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