Despite the financial, economic and social crisis that continues to weigh on consumption, the “giants” of global food & beverages exceed all expectations and make record profits. The French food giant Danone, in the third quarter of 2010, has seen a rise in sales of 4.347 billion euros (plus 15%), driven by increased volumes of 6.3%. Pernod Ricard, one of the world’s leaders in wine & beverage has recorded a quarterly revenue increase to 1.879 billion euros (plus 14%). And, the most popular fast food chain in the world: McDonald’s shows a plus 10% in profits to 1.39 billion dollars and revenues increased by 4.3% to $ 6.3 billion dollars, with growth strongest in Africa, Asia and the Middle East and sales rising 8.1%, but also in the U.S. (plus 5.1%) and Europe (plus 4.1%).
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