The growth of shipments of Italian wine to foreign markets is not stopped, but slows down slightly: in the first half of 2019, according to ISTAT data, exports grow by +3.1% over the same period of 2018 (in the first 5 months instead, there was a +5.5%, ed), for a total turnover that just exceeded 3 billion euros (compared to 2.9 billion euros in the same period last year), with very different trends from region to region.
Excellent signals come from Veneto, Tuscany and Piedmont, which together represent more than two thirds of the entire wine export of the Belpaese, with a growth, respectively, of +3.6% (for a billion euros in total turnover), +4.3% (475 million euros) and +4.9% (479 million euros). The highest growth, at least in percentage terms, was achieved by the small Valle d'Aosta (+48.8%) but still at very low levels (1.2 million euros), while the most striking drop was that of Liguria, which left 39.1% and collapsed to 8.9 million euros of wine shipped.
The Trentino-Alto Adige region is doing well, the fourth most performing region, with an export share of 8.6%, up 2.4% to 268 million euro, Abruzzo (+4.1% to 91 million euro), Puglia (+2.5% to 76,8 million euro) and Friuli-Venezia Giulia (+7.9% to 61.8 million euro) are growing, while Lombardy (-0.7% to 139 million euro), Emilia Romagna (-0.7% to 149 million euro) and Sicily (-0.1% to 71.8 million euro) lose something.
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