Between passion and blazon, “after 74 years”, one of Italy’s most famous nobles, and not only, often present in the aristocratic and worldly chronicles and increasingly in the wine ones as well, as a “testimonial” of the Bolgheri of his ancestors whose past he hands down (with an eye always turned to the future, as he told us in the past on WineNews), does not escape his destiny, and becomes a wine producer, in the first person: he is Gaddo della Gherardesca, who, after a few experiments in the past and small productions destined for family and friends, is getting serious, starting precisely from his Bolgheri, now an icon-territory of world wine, which owes to the della Gherardesca family the intuition of its vocation and the beginning of its wine fortune. But that’s not all, because the Count’s oenological project, from WineNews rumors, and which we will soon hear about - it will be unveiled in May at the Castle of Castagneto Carducci, the family’s historic residence, with its ancient cellars - will not stop at the production of his “red” of the heart, Bolgheri Doc, of course, but will also look to other territories-symbols of Italian wine (Montalcino, the land of Brunello).
Gaddo della Gherardesca’s passion is one that sees his ancestors as pioneers of modern agriculture in Bolgheri and forerunners of the success of Bolgheri wines in the world, ever since they planted the first vineyards in the 19th century and began sending batches of wine throughout Europe. Distinguished figures belong to the Della Gherardesca family tree, and their thousand-year history is linked to many of the noble and most famous families of Bolgheri, and beyond, and its most famous symbols: from the Avenue of the Cypresses “che a Bólgheri alti e schietti, van da San Guido in duplice filar”, the first of which was planted by Count Guido Alberto della Gherardesca in the early 1820s, and made forever famous by the great poet Giosuè Carducci, to the Castle of Castagneto Carducci and Count Ugolino della Gherardesca, protagonist of one of the most famous Cantos of the “Divine Comedy” by the Supreme Poet Dante Alighieri, from the ancient Tower of Donoratico, between the Bolgheri vineyards and the sea, to the hectares and hectares of unspoiled nature, between Bolgheri Doc vineyards, hunting reserve, archaeological ruins, medieval castles and hermitages and breathtaking views of the Tuscan coast, the heart of the “great fief” of the della Gherardesca family from time immemorial, until today.
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