Giacomo Tachis is leaving the wine world. The wine maker par excellence, the “father” of Sassicaia and Tignanello and a leader in the Italian wine “renaissance”, has decided to leave the wine world, retire to private life and devote himself exclusively to his family and grandchildren. The newspaper “Libero” published the news yesterday in the insert “Libero Gusto”, the new project created by the journalist Carlo Cambi. Tachis first announced his decision by fax, and then in “Libero Gusto” he explained, “I won’t make wine any more. Many years have gone by; today there are young people who are much better than me. I have two grandchildren. Life and this profession have given me a lot”.
Thus one of the leading actors in the Italian wine world lowers the final curtain on an important part of the history of the wine world. No regrets but some nostalgia, especially for Sardinia where in recent years Gacomo Tachis had “left his heart” with the Agripunica winery project. The news also announces the debut of “Libero Gusto” a new weekly insert (probably published on Saturdays), in which Carlo Cambi wants to do what he did with the insert “Travels” in the newspaper “La Repubblica”. The password of the insert will be, according to its curator, “wine, territories and cuisine, not only restaurants, but also the artisans of taste. The goal is to inform and educate about the agricultural world which should no longer be perceived as a secondary sector, but a leader in its own right”.
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