Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Green, premium and sparkling: the future of wine

According to the Vinitaly-Nomisma Wine Monitor survey on the managers of the12 major Italian wine groups
Green, premium and sparkling: the future of wine

Rosés in the US, white wines in Germany, reds in China, Russia and Japan, and sparkling wines, now, but also in the near future, are expected to grow especially among consumers in the United Kingdom, Japan and Russia, followed by those in Germany and the United States. First and foremost, though, the commercial success of wine in the next 5 years will be determined mainly by green brand products (organic or sustainable), which is the true lever of tomorrow’s market according to the Vinitaly-Nomisma Wine Monitor survey on the managers of the12 major Italian wine groups (GIV-Italian Group of Wines, Caviro, Zonin 1821, Marchesi Antinori, Mezzacorona, Santa Margherita, Cantina di Soave, Cevico Group, Marchesi Frescobaldi, Mondodelvino Group, Gruppo Lunelli - Ferrari and Bertani Domains), which totaling 2 billion euros in turnover, on short-term trends (5 years) in the top markets like the USA, United Kingdom, China, Germany, Japan and Russia, where the creators of success of wine around the world will be organic and premium products. The green trend will be predominant on the historical markets (Germany, USA, United Kingdom and Japan), and the premium segment (over 20 dollars per bottle) will further affect the US and the emerging Russia and China. There is good sentiment also on the local wines, especially in Japan, Russia and the United States, while - surprisingly - there is a flashback for red wines, in addition to sparkling. The 12 top companies polled say that Italy will see its market shares grow, especially in Russia and the Far East, and there will be good recovery in sales in Germany as well. Expectations for an increase in Italian market shares in the United States are a bit timid (although they are expected to grow as well in the next five years), and French as well as Italian producers will be taking advantage of it. China will follow Australia that will grow more than everyone, and Chile and Italy will take advantage of the slowdown of the market leader, France. What are the top denominations? Besides Prosecco, at the top just about everywhere except China, you can bet on Pinot Grigio in the US, Primitivo in Germany and Amarone in China.

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