30% of U.S. consumers define themselves as “real user” of fine wines, with a predominance of consumers who are Millenials, men, belonging to the upper class, and with a marked curiosity towards foreign wines. And, after “made in the US” wines, Italian fine wines are the most consumed by Americans in the past year, thanks to their increasing reputation. The perception of Italian fine wines in terms of style and elegance, historically attributes reserved to French wines, increased: in 2024, 27% of American consumers associate these values with Italian wines, growing compared to 20% registered in 2017. With the States confirming to be the main destination market for Italian fine wines, where, despite the challenging economic context characterized by inflation and high interest rates, in 2024 - an increase in imports from Italy of 5% in volume for bottled still wines, and of 10% for sparkling wines, in countertrend compared to the market average seeing a slight decrease in abroad purchases – was registered in the period January-November, and at an overall level of wines. A research by Nomisma Wine Monitor states that on a sample of 2,400 American consumers (distributed in California, New York, New Jersey, and Florida) for Istituto Grandi Marchi which reunites 18 of the most prestigious Italian wineries (Ambrogio e Giovanni Folonari Tenute, Antinori, Argiolas, Ca’ del Bosco, Carpenè Malvolti, Col d’Orcia, Donnafugata, Jermann, Lungarotti, Masi, Mastroberardino, Michele Chiarlo, Pio Cesare, Rivera, Tasca D’Almerita, Tenuta San Guido, Tenuta San Leonardo, and Umani Ronchi), which, in 20 years, saw their turnovers double to 660 million of euros of turnover overall, of which 55% to export, leading in the USA. And, looking at the future, additional promising data regards the “non-consumers” of Italian fine wines: 76% of them declare not to be interested in trying them underlining the opportunities for further market expansions. “The growth potentials on American markets are concrete. Not only because a premiumization of wine consumption has occurred for some time, but also because 44% of American consumers, who were interviewed, foresee an increase in purchases in the next three years against 50% who think to keep them unchanged, and only 6% who think to decrease them”, highlighted Denis Pantini, responsible Nomisma Wine Monitor.
The consumer of Italian fine wines, particularly, distinguishes himself/herself for his/her strong bond with Italy going beyond wine, expressing through Italian origins, or direct experiences in the country as recent visits. This element, explains the research, plays a fundamental role in the valorization of Italian fine wines in the American market where the choice of these wines is mainly influenced by three factors: brand notoriety, recognition obtained in the sector guides, and the uniqueness of family-run businesses. This last element is particularly relevant for Millennials with 16% who consider it as a determining aspect compared to 11% of the general average. The importance of family business, and of cultural heritage, therefore, not only reinforces the reputation of Italian fine wines, but results to be a crucial factor in luring younger consumers, particularly those under 35, who appreciate the quality, and authenticity of the products.
“Beyond the specific data of undeniable interest for the entire wine movement, what counts the most and tempts us - said president of the Institute Piero Mastroberadino - is to monitor the growth of immaterial factors linked to the perception of our world considering consumers of important markets for their values and volumes, such as the United States of America. Prestigious wines offer a key contribution to the image that the typical lifestyles of Italian culture are in the mind of the audience. That image is intimately linked to positive values transmitted by historicity, continuity, qualitative coherence of multigenerational family-run businesses rising up to custodians of the roots of their territories”. According to the research, 70% of foreign turnover of member associations “comes from the markets outside the Eu with an extraordinary growth in Asian markets which saw wine purchases increase by over 130% in the last twenty years”.
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