As expected, after the good data of the first months of the year (especially January and February) only in parts penalized by Covid, the decline in exports of Italian wine in the world affected by the pandemic has begun to manifest itself, black on white, while throughout the country the harvest is taking hold: in the first 5 months of 2020, shipments stopped at 2.4 billion euros, -4% over the same period 2019, according to Istat data analyzed by WineNews. Among the main markets, the USA and Germany continue to hold, all in all, both down by -0.5%, for a value, respectively, of 629 and 429 million euros. It is much worse in the United Kingdom, which is down by -11.8% for 253 million euros, and in Switzerland, down by -14.3% to 138 million euros. Canada, on the other hand, is in sharp contrast, with Italian wine imports up 11.1% to 140 million euros.
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