Italians are beginning to shop on line for wine, pasta and cheese, too. The food world on eBay grew 23% in 2013 and, in particular, the "Wine and Food" category in the pre-Christmas period, registered 31% growth in November and + 47% in December, which was the total average of all the previous months. Therefore, with Christmas approaching, the e-commerce site has decided to launch "eBay Taste", a new section entirely devoted to food and wine. The aim, says the company, is to "bring users to a universe of culinary inspirations", for all tastes and all budgets.
The on line site offers more than 265.000 food and wine products. The new section, said the online shopping giant, was created to promote Italian excellence, respecting the Protocol for the protection of PDO and PGI products, signed last May between eBay, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Italian Association of Geographical Indication Consortia.
"Taste," according to eBay, will also be a way to give a strong impetus to cross-border trade, which in 2013 allowed Italian online auction sites to reach an impressive 176 countries around the world: Germany, France and the US in top position. "Wine and Food”, said the online sales leader, “is the fourteenth category in the ranking of products with the highest number of sales to foreign countries on in 2013, and 46% growth in exports, compared to 2012".
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