“Italian fruits, vegetables, honey, meat, milk and cheeses are totally safe”, highlights the association of Italian farmers, Confagricoltura analyzing data from the Ministry of Health "Annual Report to the National Integrated Plan 2011" on food safety controls. The association said that "99.7% of the samples of fruits and vegetables and 99.8% of animal products controlled were safe and up to standards”.
The same percentages were found in sectors such as grains, oil, wine and baby food. The data - notes Confagricoltura – is significant because there are numerous, many more than in other sectors, and refer to one out of three farms. The percentage of controls of irregularities in fruit and vegetables has been gradually decreasing, from 5.6% in 1993 to 0.3% in 2011. This demonstrates - concluded Confagricoltura - the farmers’ commitments concerning food safety”.
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