Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Italy of wine is on its way to Africa. Starting with Sierra Leone, which opens its doors to Italy

Sunkarie Kabba-Kamara, mayor of the second largest city in the African country, in Valpolicella by the brand Zenato
Sunkarie Kabba-Kamara, Mayor of Mekeni, Sierra Leone, with Nadia Zenato

Among the many wine markets of the future, to be discovered and conquered, there is certainly that of Africa and its many developing countries, which are increasingly turning a keen eye to the great wine countries, including Italy. And at Vinitaly a first step was taken towards the meeting, under the sign of wine, between Italy and Sierra Leone, with the presence of Sunkarie Kabba-Kamara, mayor of one of the largest cities in Sierra Leone, Makeni, who met many producers from the Verona area, starting with Nadia Zenato, head of the historic Amarone and Lugana label, also to carry out the Smart Farm Village project, and attract interested investors to develop sustainable business projects and build a market of quality wine.
A path, for Italian wine, towards Africa, also thanks to the partnership signed with the City of Verona by Unkarie Kabba-Kamara, who is also the only female mayor of Sierra Leone, a country that together with Ghana, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Liberia, Guinea and Cape Verde is part of the Economic Community of West African States, a market of 230 million people.

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