The denominations of Lugana (28 million bottles), Custoza (11 million bottles), Bardolino (21 million bottles), Garda DOC (18 million bottles) and Valtènesi (just over 3 million bottles) are all near Lake Garda, which together total more than 80 million different wines, mainly white, rosé and sparkling wines. The denominations have decided to team up, to tell about and enhance their characteristics, around their common element, Lake Garda, which besides being the largest lake in Italy, is also one of the most visited and well-known destinations in Italy. This is the philosophy behind the project, “Lake Garda Wines”, which the Bardolino, Custoza, Garda, Lugana and Valtènesi Consortiums have drawn up to promote the wines and the territory surrounding Lake Garda in a single, united image.
“It is the collaboration between different denominations, united by the goal of enhancing an extraordinary winemaking heritage and spreading the quality and authenticity of the wines in this area throughout the world”, a note explained. According to the Consortiums, Lake Garda, because of its unique microclimate, its biodiversity, and centuries of winemaking tradition, offers an ideal terrain to produce appealing wines, which are at the same time deeply rooted in local culture. Fabio dei Micheli, president of the Bardolino DOC Consortium, emphasized this aspect, explaining that the “Lake Garda Wines” project represents an opportunity to promote the wines as well as the identity of the territory, focusing on quality, tradition and innovation. “Working together with other consortiums, therefore, means strengthening the visibility of our wines and building a common message that makes our climatic characteristics an example and a model of a more and more unique and recognizable quality that consolidates it as a winemaking center of excellent products all over the world”.
Roberta Bricolo, president of the Consorzio del Vino Custoza DOC, also confirmed the idea of collaboration, while preserving the specificities of each denomination. “Five consortiums are joining together to face the challenges of the global market through determination and unity. The alliance not only optimizes resources, but it also enhances the authenticity of our territory, strategically joining forces for greater international recognition”. Paolo Fiorini, president of the Consorzio Garda DOC also confirmed this concept, and emphasized that the “Lake Garda Wines” project is a true opportunity to strengthen the territory on foreign markets, especially the French market. “We are promoting our wines, and also the cultural and landscape heritage which makes Lake Garda a unique place that evokes unparalleled emotions”. Fabio Zenato, president of the Lugana DOC Consortium, underlined the importance of joining forces to tell the story of Lake Garda and its winemaking traditions. “This project aims to consolidate the winemaking identity of each denomination, as well as to convey a collective vision that embraces sustainability, innovation and a shared commitment to the future of wine”.
The idea of a collaboration that looks to the future becomes even clearer in the words of Paolo Pasini, president of the Valtènesi Consortium. “From whatever point of view you look at it, Lake Garda is the fundamental trait in the DNA of all the wines that spring from its original microclimate. Uniting the consortiums and denominations that embellish its variability is the best way to let the world know the beauty that upholds us. Thanks to “Lake Garda Wines”, we will tell the story of a territory that for centuries has been producing wines inextricably linked to its nature, culture and traditions”.
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