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Made in Italy technology in the vineyard and in the cellar is at world record, and will continue to grow

The Italian excellences protagonists at Simei by Unione Italiana Vini (Uiv) in Milan, from yesterday till 18 November. Focus on sustainability
SIMEI, technology, UIV, WINE, News
Simei by Unione Italiana Vini (Uiv), in Milan, from yesterday to 18 November

The made-in-Italy technology sector in the vineyard and in the cellar is already very strong. And it will grow even more because, according to 9 out of 10 companies, if the 2021 turnover exceeds 3.1 billion euros, with 70% of that coming from exports, the 2022 closing will be even better. With a 20% progression, according to most. Thanks to excellence in machinery for the vineyard, for bottling, for the production of wine, in the production of caps, bottles, glasses, and so on, with top brands such as Gai, Bertolaso, Della Toffola, Amorim Cork Italia, Diam, Italesse, Nomacorc, Vinventions, Volentieri Pellenc, Vivai Rauscedo, Aeb, Gamba, Garbellotto ... to name just a few, protagonists, these days, in Simei, the International Enological and Bottling Machinery Exhibition by Unione Italiana Vini (14-18 November, Milan).
Edition no. 29 in which, confirming the trust in the sector, “the highest investment ever made by Agenzia Ice, with 180 international guests invited from over 30 countries”, according to the manager of the Made in Italy Promotion Coordination Office Ice, Maurizio Forte. And where, of course, there is the macro theme of sustainability at the center, because, as recalled by Alessandro Barbieri, Valoritalia sales manager, who certifies over half of Italian wine with a denomination, “the theme is attention to the objectives of Agenda 2030, a topic that can no longer be postponed. We at Valoritalia welcome requests for certification from companies that intend to offer consumers guarantees in terms of protection of the territory, the environment, and human heritage. The green trend is so important and destined to last and is already spreading to other sectors, such as sustainable tourism”.
Of course, the double-digit price increases for materials such as iron, paper, electronic components, and more than 100% for energy. But the numbers of the sector are at a world record, said Paolo Castelletti, general secretary of the Unione Italiana Vini (Uiv) “they make it a recognized point of excellence which sees the Italian innovations and solutions present in 7 out of 10 wineries all over the world”. France, Eastern Europe, and the Germany-Austria-Switzerland area are the top destinations for Italian machinery which, overall, see the value of 2022 exports growing by 3% on the 2021 result.

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