Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)


Massimo Bottura (Osteria Francescana in Modena), Heinz Beck (La Pergola of Rome Cavalieri) and Gianfranco Vissani (Vissani of Baschi) are the magnificent three Italian restaurants, the top of Italian food according to the Gambero Rosso guide "The Restaurants of Italy" 2013, presented today at Città del Gusto, which awarded the trio of chefs, tied at first place in the standings, with the highest score among the “Three Forks” "(from 90/100 onwards), i.e. 95/100. Immediately following at 94/100 points, Don Alfonso of the Iaccarino family (Sant'Agata sui Due Golfi) and Villa Crespi in Orta San Giulio (Novara). Three new entries in the "Three Forks," Ilario Vinciguerra Restaurant in Gallarate (Varese), Il Povero Diavolo in Torriana (Rimini) and Da Vittorio in Brusaporto (Bergamo).

Campania and Lombardy with three restaurants lead the record of the "Three Forks" among the regions, followed by Emilia Romagna, Piedmont, Veneto, Tuscany and Marche with two forks. Among new entries, confirmations, returns, and various proposals there are more than two hundred new restaurants and the addition of a gourmet glossary in the guide, which reviewed 2.015 restaurants local. The duo Massimo Bottura and Gianfranco Vissani, already at the top in 2012 repeats this year, plus Heinz Beck, who earned one point more than last year.

Immediately following are the restaurant Don Alfonso of the Iaccarino family and Villa Crespi (94/100) who earn respectively one and two points. Lombardy is the leader also in the ranking of "Three Prawns" with 5 restaurants that earned the highest score. Lazio leads the "Three Bottles" with 4 local winners. And for the new entry awards, for the first time breweries, ethnic cuisines and pizzerias are classified, with a rating ranging from one to three, respectively, mugs, globes and pizzerias.

Four restaurants were awarded the "Three Slices": Lazio in the lead with 2 pizzerias, La Fucina and Sforno, which are both in Rome, followed by Veneto with I Tigli in San Bonifacio (Verona) and Campania with Antica Osteria Pepe in Caiazzo (Caserta). Only one ethnic restaurant was awarded the "Three Globes": Iyo, Japanese restaurant in Milan. The best beer pub is Casa Baladin in Piozzo (Cuneo) and was awarded the “Three mugs”.

Focus – The 21 top restaurants awarded “Three Forks” 2013

95 points

Osteria Francescana - Modena

La Pergola de l’Hotel Rome Cavalieri - Roma 

Vissani a Baschi - Terni

94 points

Don Alfonso 1890 - Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi (Napoli) 

Villa Crespi - Orta San Giulio (Novara) 

93 points 

Le Calandre - Rubano (Padova) 

Dal Pescatore Santini - Canneto sull’Oglio (Mantova) 

Piazza Duomo - Alba (Cuneo) 

Reale - Castel di Sangro (L’Aquila) 

La Torre del Saracino - Vico Equense (Napoli)

92 points
Laite - Sappada (Belluno)

St. Hubertus de l’Hotel Rosa Alpina - San Cassiano (Bolzano) 

91 points 

Lorenzo - Forte dei Marmi (Lucca)

La Madia - Licata (Agrigento)

La Madonnina del Pescatore - Senigallia (Ancona)

Oasis Sapori Antichi - Vallesaccarda (Avellino)

Ilario Vinciguerra Restaurant - Gallarate (Varese)

90 points 

Il Pellicano - Porto Ercole (Grosseto)

Il Povero Diavolo - Torriana (Rimini)

Uliassi - Senigallia (Ancona)

Da Vittorio - Brusaporto (Bergamo)

Focus – Out and In
Lost Three Forks: 

Combal.Zero - Rivoli (Torino)

Da Caino - Montemerano (Grosseto) 

La Gazza Ladra dell’Hotel Palazzo Failla Modica (Ragusa) 

La Stua de Michil dell’Hotel la Perla Corsara in Badia/Corsara (Bolzano) 

Earned Three Forks: 

Ilario Vinciguerrra Restaurant - Gallarate (Varese) 

Il Povero Diavolo - Torriana (Rimini) 

Da Vittorio - Brusaporto (Bergamo) 

Focus – Up and down...

Restaurant / Points 2013 / Points 2012 /Variation
Osteria Francescana - Modena / 95 / 95 / = 

La Pergola de l’Hotel Rome Cavalieri – Roma / 95 / 94 / +1 Vissani - Baschi (Terni) / 95 / 95 / = 

Don Alfonso 1890 Sant'Agata sui Due Golfi (Napoli) / 94 / 93 / +1

Villa Crespi - Orta San Giulio (Novara) / 94 / 92 / +2 

Le Calandre - Rubano (Padova) / 93 / 93/ = 

Dal Pescatore Santini - Canneto sull’Oglio (Mantova) / 93 / 92 / +1 

Piazza Duomo - Alba (Cuneo) / 93 / 93 / = 

Reale - Castel di Sangro (Aquila) / 93 / 93 / = 

La Torre del Saracino - Vico Equense (Napoli) / 93 / 92 / +1 
Laite - Sappada (Biella) / 92 / 92 / = 

St Hubertus dell'Hotel Rosa Alpina San Cassiano (Bolzano) / 92 / 91 +1 

Lorenzo - Forte dei Marmi (Lucca) / 91 / 90 / +1 

La Madia - Licata (Agrigento) / 91 / 91 / = 

La Madonnina del Pescatore - Senigallia (Ancona) / 91 / 91 / = Oasis Sapori Antichi - Vallesaccarda (Avellino) / 91 / 92 / -1 

Il Pellicano - Porto Ercole (Grosseto) / 91 / 90 / +1

Ilario Vinciguerrra Restaurant - Gallarate (Varese) / 91 / 88 / +3 
Il Povero Diavolo - Torriana (Rimini) / 90 / 88 / +2 

Uliassi - Senigallia (Ancona) / 90 / 90 = 

Da Vittorio - Brusaporto (Bergamo) / 90 / 82 / +8

Focus – New Entries

La locanda del Pilone - 88 - Alba (Cuneo)

Anteprima - 87 - Chiuduno (Bergamo) 

Il Piastrino - 87 - Pennabilli (Rimini) 

Pashà - 87 - Conversano (Bari) 

Vun dell’Hotel Park Hyatt Milan - 86 - Milano 

Lunasia del Green Park Resort - 86 - Tirrenia (Pisa) 

Metamorfosi - 85 - Roma 

Alpenroyal Gourmet Restaurant - 84 - Selva di Val Gardena (Bolzano) 

Vespasia dell’Hotel Palazzo Seneca - 84 - Norcia (Perugia) 

La Femme Meridiana - 83 - San Bartolomeo al Mare (Imola) 

Il Papavero - 83 - Eboli (Salerno) 

Frank Rizzuti Cucina del Sud - 81 - Potenza

Focus –Three Bottles

La Baita - Faenza (Ravenna) 

Casa Bleve - Roma 

Le Case della Saracca - Monforte d’Alba (Cuneo) 

Damini Macelleria & Affini - Arzignano (Vicenza) 

Del Gatto - Anzio (Roma) 

Donizetti - Bergamo 

Enoteca Marcucci - Pietrasanta (Lucca) 

Ombre Rosse - Preganziol (Treviso) 

Oste della Mal’ora - Terni 

Picone - Palermo 
Roscioli - Roma

Focus – Special Awards:

Restaurant with Sommelier focusing on the world of beer (Moretti beer)
Matteo Duri Sadler - Milano

New Chef Award 2013 (San Pellegrino)

William Zonfa Ristorante Magione Papale (L’Aquila) 

“From Women to Women” Award – dedicated to excellent women
(Tre Marie)

La Tenda Rossa Ristorante San Casciano in Val di Pesa (Firenze) 

2013 Award for Wine list with best offer of Classic Italian Method (Trentodoc)

Ristorante Angelo Sabatelli Monopoli (Bari)

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