“Italy boasts 210 geographical indication designations: 132 PDO and 78 PGI in 2010, confirming leadership in Europe. This is the reward for the hard work and skill of our farmers, who deliver excellent products that are successful on the international markets” stated the Minister of Agricultural Policies, Giancarlo Galan, regarding geographical indications officially recorded in the EU register.
In Europe, the total number of PDO and PGI products in all Member States, including Italy is 943: 483 PDO, 433 PGI and 27 TSG.
Italy surpasses France (which held the European record of registered products until 2003 and is currently in second place) with 39 more officially registered PDO and PGI products. Italy has 77 more registered products than Spain.
Eight quality Italian products received EU recognition during the period April-July 2010: 5 PDO and 3 PGI. The PDO products are Sauris Ham, Voghiera Garlic, Spelt from Monteleone di Spoleto, Red Eggplant of Rotonda and Piave cheese; PGI products are Canestrato of Molitemo cheese, Leonforte Peaches and Buffalo milk Ricotta of Campania. Two other products, Cannellini Beans of Atina PDO and Asparagus of Badoere PGI (whose applications for recognition have already been published in the Official Journal of the European Union) have already received unofficial PDO or PGI product recognition, although the Official EU Regulation for entry into the European Register of geographical indications has not yet been published.
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