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Moderation, a key word for the future of wine consumption, especially among young people

That’s according to a Wine Intelligence analysis. In the world, some fewer consumers drink every day, especially among Millennials
Moderation, a key trend for the near future of wine consumption

Moderation in consumption is an intrinsic value of the approach to wine, at least in the Mediterranean style, where the glass is always, or almost, associated with meals and food. But it is also an aspect more and more in vogue among the consumers of the world, and with which producers will have to deal in the next decades. An analysis by Wine Intelligence shows that, in the UK, for example, among the most important countries for wine consumption, the share of those who allow themselves a glass almost daily, from 2007 to the present day, has substantially increased from a quarter to a fifth of wine consumers. And the same trend, according to the British agency, can be seen in other strategic markets, such as Germany and the USA, among others, where the share of those who drink wine every day is falling.
Because although the so-called Millennials are increasingly fascinated and involved in wine, they seem to go in the direction of drinking less and less alcoholic beverages, including wine. In the USA, for example, although only a third of regular wine consumers are Under-34s, this category of age represents 47% of all consumers who claim to be committed to reducing their alcohol consumption. A will felt very much by drinkers between 35 and 54 (28% of the total), and even less by the over 55 (25%). Among the many, there is a strong attention to health, especially among young people, who look, for example, at wines with a low alcohol content, also thinking about the caloric intake, but also the desire to drink a glass simply to socialize, without losing control. The exact opposite of binge drinking, in a nutshell. And so, for example, explains Wine Intelligence, in the U.S. and Australia, from 2018 to the present, the percentage of those who say that the alcohol content is very important when buying wine has increased by 7%, while in the UK and Japan the growth of this parameter was respectively +11 and +8%. And increasingly widespread, for example, are initiatives such as “Dry January” in the U.S. and the United Kingdom, and for some time also in France, or “Dry February” in Canada, where there is a tendency to cut completely the consumption of alcohol for a whole month, and that, according to data from Kantar, sees in the youngest 40% of those who join. In short, a real trend that is increasingly solid, that of moderation in consumption, which the production of wine, at world level, will increasingly have to take into account.

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