Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Pierangelo Tommasi (Tommasi Family Estates) at the head of the Famiglie Storiche

He will lead the association that unites 13 major Amarone brands, which represent 23% of the turnover of the signature wine of Valpolicella
Famiglie Storiche, Pierangelo Tommasi is the new president

13 wineries, which bring together 800 hectares of vineyards dedicated to the main wine of Valpolicella, Amarone, and capable of developing a general turnover of 81 million euros, 23% of the total turnover of Amarone, of which, together, they send 2.3 million bottles to the market, 15% of the total, for 68.5% sold all over the world, with Canada, USA, Switzerland and Germany in the lead, but also in Scandinavia, United Kingdom, Russia and China: it is the portrait of the “Famiglie Storiche”, 13 wineries, Allegrini, Begali, Brigaldara, Guerrieri Rizzardi, Masi, Musella, Speri, Tedeschi, Tenuta Sant’Antonio, Tommasi, Torre d’Orti, Venturini and Zenato, an association of producers at the lead of which, now, has been elected Pierangelo Tommasi, already at the top of Tommasi Family Estates, one of the most important companies in Italy, with the heart and history in the Valpolicella, but also with the wineries in Tuscany, Puglia, Lombardy, Basilicata, Umbria and Sicily (for a total of 780 hectares of vineyards owned). Pierangelo Tommasi will have as vice presidents Giuseppe Rizzardi of the Guerrieri Rizzardi company and Luca Speri of the Speri company, with Alberto Zenato and Marilisa Allegrini on the board of directors.
“The choice of Pierangelo Tommasi represents a natural rotation within the association that provides the positions of presidency and vice-presidency for the participating families: this is also the expression of a united and cohesive group, each with its own style but sharing the same production philosophy”, states the outgoing president, Alberto Zenato, who in turn succeeded the past-presidents Sandro Boscaini, Marilisa Allegrini and Sabrina Tedeschi (who became president of the Antica Bottega del Vino di Verona, one of the world’s wine temples, owned by the Famiglie). “I would like to thank Alberto Zenato for having brilliantly carried out the work and activities of the association in the historically most difficult moment that our generation has experienced. I am honored to chair a group of valued colleagues and friends - comments Pierangelo Tommasi - historic companies and custodians of their territory, and to continue the path started thirteen years ago, with the project of witnessing the values that unite us and those of a unique denomination in the world. We will do this with many activities in Italy and abroad, developing profit in our companies and networking with other local partners”.

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