Following the Prosecco boom, it had been slotted to become the “next big thing” for Italian wine, and the numbers seem to confirm the prediction. Pinot Grigio di Venezie DOC, starting with the 2017 harvest, has exceeded one million hectoliters of certified wine, i.e., 73% of the harvested product, equal to more than 130 million bottles of Pinot Grigio DOC and which foreign markets have requested, confirming a trend that predicts zero stock before the end of the campaign (December 2018). Therefore, now we are looking at growth management, “I think it will be useful and appropriate to activate stockage for a specific quota of 20% of the production estimated for the next harvest”, pointed out the president of Consorzio Doc delle Venezie, Albino Armani, “so as to consistently manage production volumes, in the interest of improving and stabilizing the market function of our Pinot Grigio delle Venezie DOC”.
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