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Prosecco conquering China: in 2019 exports increase by 31% over 2018

Prosecco drives the bubble sector, and Xi Jinping and Luigi Di Maio toast the finish line at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Minister Luigi Di Maio toast, in Shanghai

Prosecco is known to be the king of Italian sparkling wines in the world, and this is confirmed by the latest ISTAT data, which actually crown it as the driving force of the Italian wine sector in China: exports of Prosecco in the Dragon, in 2019, would have jumped by 31% in quantity on 2018. An important achievement, so much to be celebrated by the Chinese President himself, Xi Jinping, who, visiting the Italian Pavilion at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai, raised a flûte of Prosecco, together with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio.
The growth in sales of Prosecco, underlines Coldiretti, is the driving force behind the entire wine sector, which has recorded an overall increase of 11% in exports to Beijing. This result was also driven by the collapse of U.S. wine exports to China, due to the US-Asiatic giant's duty war, for which an agreement is being reached between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping. The increase in sales on the Chinese market is, continues Coldiretti, the sign of a shift to the east of the map of wine consumption. As a result of uninterrupted growth in consumption, China, Coldiretti points out, has, in fact, entered the list of five countries that consume the most wine in the world, and is at the top of the list if you consider only the red wines.

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