Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Prosecco Doc shortens the control chain, to protect consumers and producers

Agreement with the Customs and Monopoly Agency, which will conduct the analysis. In case of discrepancies, criminal proceedings will be initiated
The President of Prosecco Doc Consortium, Stefano Zanette

When the simplification often announced and rarely realized becomes concrete: this is the case of the agreement signed by one of the most successful denominations (and therefore more in the crosshairs of fraud and deception) as Prosecco Doc, and the Customs and Monopoly Agency, which significantly shortens the chain of controls to protect consumers and producers. Basically, the agreement foresees that the analysis of the samples taken during the vigilance activity will be carried out directly in the chemical laboratories of the Customs Agency, “characterized by public faith”, in Turin, Bologna and Palermo. In case discrepancies are detected with respect to the production disciplinary, criminal proceedings will be immediately started, without further steps.
“We are pleased to be able to announce that in these days we have signed an agreement with the Customs and Monopoly Agency that optimizes the supervisory activities carried out by our Consortium, which confirms the validity of the collaboration set up with Adm already several years ago on the consumer protection front”, explains the president of Doc Prosecco, Stefano Zanette, who adds: “while before any non-conformities detected by private laboratories required a sample of the same batch of wine to be sent to the Customs Chemical Laboratories for a review of the analysis, now any inconsistencies open the door directly to criminal proceedings without further steps”.
This is one of the first agreements of this kind, if not the first ever, at a national level. “This agreement - adds the director of the Consortium, Luca Giavi - has a significant advantage because it allows us to be much more effective in the impressive control activities carried out by our Consortium. It also represents a further point of collaboration with the Customs Agency in addition to already fruitful cooperation started in the past, which supports us especially at an international level - Giavi explained to WineNews - since the direct control activity at consortium level can only be carried out in Italy”.

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