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Taste Italy!, Business Strategies App to help out Italian companies (and wineries) in China

According to the IMF, China will be the only major economic power to close 2020 on a positive note. Technology to re-launch shipments

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts, China will be the only major economic power to record positive growth values in 2020, and will have a prospect of economic recovery at +8% by 2021. The specific weight of China is therefore destined to grow, and will dedicate more and more space to domestic consumption. The CeSIF – Centro Studi per l’Impresa della Fondazione Italia Cina (Italy China Foundation Research Center for Businesses) analysis also confirmed that for Italian wine companies, investing in China, in this phase of re-launch following the outbreak of the health emergency Pandemic, is a strategic choice for positioning companies in the coming years. This is because Beijing, through the “dual circulation” strategy is promoting the local dimension of “internal circulation” to favor domestic consumption.
Basically, as Silvana Ballotta, CEO of BS-Business Strategies explained, a consulting firm for the internationalization of companies whose main reference market has been China for the past 10 years, “the Chinese are not traveling outside of China and are instead looking for experiences, which in this period are no longer possible abroad, within the domestic borders. This is the reason why we have created a tool capable of offering the Chinese trade - and Italian companies - an interactive platform on WeChat”. It is called “Taste Italy! Miniprogram experience ”, and provides advanced digital solutions that use technology to help companies acquire, understand and loyalize Chinese customers. Based on the WeChat ecosystem, “where most of the customers are already, “BS Business Strategies has now made the format of the Taste Italy! application digital, which will take care of the customer journey in each and every detail. The advantage will be bringing customers into a single environment, and building an online sales system. However, the platform will also do much more. It will provide services for booking courses, sharing experiences as well as direct communication mechanisms. You will be able to participate both online and offline, read reviews as well as share your experience, all in one platform. In the last few weeks, the CMO wine competition registrations have opened to support wine companies exporting to third countries. Our innovative engagement tool will be invaluable to help promote Italian wine in China.

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