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“Terregiunte”: in bottle the “marriage” between Amarone and Primitivo “celebrated” by Cotarella

A WineNews, behind the enological and cultural project, which brings together North and South, with the protagonists: Bruno Vespa and Sandro Boscaini

Two distant territories and culturally, such as Veneto and Puglia, two different wines, but with many elements in common, such as Amarone and Primitivo, two prominent figures, one of the viticulture of Valpolicella, Sandro Boscaini, the other of Italian television and, for some years, of Manduria wine, Bruno Vespa, in the middle of Riccardo Cotarella, one of the most famous winemakers in Italy and president Assoenologi: from the big bang of these energies, “Terregiunte - Vino d’Italia” was born, unveiled “Al Druscié”, the wine bar of Masi Agricola in Cortina d’Ampezzo, with the “blessing” of the two Presidents of the Region, Michele Emiliano (Puglia) and Luca Zaia (Veneto). A unique project, created, as Bruno Vespa reminds WineNews, “from the idea of combining two wines from two very different regions, which have so many affinities, and when I spoke with Riccardo Cotarella we immediately thought of Sandro Boscaini”, who speaks of “a cultural operation, which restores the sense of Italian wine, unrelated to the concept of denominations”. For Cotarella, “director” in the cellar, “a fantastic encounter, difficult to replicate, from which a completely new wine has been created, with a personality that goes beyond Amarone and Primitivo”.

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