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The “Bandiera Verde” of the Cia-Agricoltori Italiani goes to WineNews to those who support agriculture

“Recognition for the commitment to constant disclosure in the enhancement of Italy’s wine and food”. On November 17th in the Campidoglio, in Rome
The historic recognition “Bandiera Verde” by Cia-Agricoltori Italiani

A symbolic recognition for the work of constant dissemination and for the commitment to the enchancement of wine which, also thanks to the contribution of WineNews, can boast the leadership role in the panorama of made in Italy agri food production”. On November 17th, in the Campidoglio, in Rome, the Cia-Agricoltori Italiani awards WineNews with the “Bandiera Verde Agricoltura 2022”, in the Agripress international section”, edition no.20 of the historical recognition, which, born in 2003, in addition to farms, local authorities, associations, schools and personalities who have distinguished themselves in the action and policies carried out in favor of agriculture, the environment, rural development, educational projects and welfare related to a better knowledge of the agricultural world, to the protection pf the environment, of the history and economies of rural areas, is also assigned to extra-company initiatives related to its inspiring purposes. Www.winenews.it it is a daily communication agency on the world of wine & food, online since 1 May 2000 (is a member of the Foundation for Italian Quality – Symbola), founded by Alessandro Regoli and Irene Chiari; in 2021 it had 2,898,949 Ips served and is selected by the most important search engines. The Twitter account (@WineNewsIt) has 22,984 followers; on Facebook (@winenews), since April 12, 2018, has 65,184 followers; on Instagram (@winenewsit), from July 30, 2019, has 45,933 followers; on Linkedin (@winenewsit), since August 2021, has 5,260 followers. A social universe, also completed by the video channel on YouTube (@winetv), with 2,820 subscribers.

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