Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

The best of “Best of Wine Tourism”: Zenato, Pieropan, Monte Del Fra and more

Also Tamasotti, Brunelli, Villa Calicantus, Pagus Wine Tours awarded by “Great Wine Capitals”, a network in which Verona is the only Italian city

The 7 Venetian companies that have received the “Best of Wine Tourism” award, the Oscar for wine tourism, were awarded in Verona, the only Italian city in the International Great Wine Capitals (GWC) network. The Art and Culture Award went to Zenato, for having created the Zenato Academy project that has a workshop for young artists; the Architecture and Landscape Award went to Pieropan, for having built a winery that combines the most advanced technological and architectural structures in harmony with nature and respecting the landscape of the Soave hills; the Award for Innovative Experiences went to Monte del Fra, for having developed a broad range of initiatives in the name of sports, nature and conviviality, offering wine tourists the opportunity to discover the winery and the territory of Custoza. Further, the Award for Catering went to I Tamasotti, because they have been able to combine their production of quality wines and quality catering through local products and an authentic cuisine focusing on detail. The Hospitality Award went to Brunelli for having created a welcoming structure, where wine is the star player and accompanies guests in the simple, but elegant atmosphere of the wine relais. The Award for Sustainable Practices went to Villa Calicantus, because they have based their production and wine tourism activity on fairness and respect for the terroir; the Award for Services to Wine Tourism went to Pagus Wine Tours, as they have, after a very careful selection of itineraries, proposed experiences and tastings adapted to hospitality in wine territories to more and more informed and demanding tourists.
Verona is the number one province in wine exports, fourth for foreign tourism and fifth for Italian tourism, and has a varied list of as many as 19 DOC and DOCG wines. Verona presented the map of the wine and oil tourism offer in its territory, and is therefore continuing its territorial development of activities.Verona is also the only Italian city, thanks to the Chamber of Commerce that represents it, in the network of the Great Wine Capitals, together with Adelaide (South Australia), Bilbao and Rioja (Spain), Bordeaux (France), Lausanne (Switzerland), Mainz (Germany), Mendoza (Argentina), Porto (Portugal), San Francisco - Napa Valley (USA), Valparaìso - Casablanca Valley (Chile) and Capetown (South Africa).
“Verona is one of the 11 world wine capitals”, vice president of the Verona Chamber of Commerce, explained, “in an alliance of places where wine is culture, economy and hospitality. Wine tourism is diversifying because it is a perfect example of a system where at the base, the wine company tells the tourist about the territory through agri-food productions, in which taste, history and beauty come together in a single expression. Our task is to make it known and to promote it”.
The 7 companies awarded will compete in the International selection in November, competing with companies chosen in the other wine capitals, for the Global Best of Wine Tourism, (which in past editions has seen companies such as Albino Armani Viticoltori since 1607, Villa Quaranta of the Tommasi family, Masi Agricola, Zeni 1870 and Zymé excel in several categories, ed.). They will also be promoted internationally by the GWC network, and together with the other participants from the Veneto region, mentioned in a guide that is being distributed as an attachment to the monthly magazine Dove, on newsstands in October. Furthermore, there are also 15 Veronese oil tourism companies in the guide. The olive tree, like the vine, is the star player first in the geography of the landscape, and then at the table. Now, travelers are extremely interested, in addition to consuming typical products, in looking for experiences where they can know the origins, production methods, the territory, historical, artistic and social events. Data has also indicated a high interest of Italian tourists as well — 69% want to take part in an experience on an olive farm. It is a large market, but needs to be satisfied through a more structured offer, considering that only 37% have actually participated. Oil tourism has great potential, therefore, especially if we consider the possible interactions with wine tourism and food and wine tourism.

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