The world is hungry for (authentic) Made in Italy food, so Italy is serving “the greatest political and cultural diplomatic action ever for food, which is worth 37 billion euros in exports in the top food sectors, like wine, aiming to reach 50 billion euros by 2020. This is the first time that the diplomatic world has made such a commitment in the kitchen and become the main player together with the Ministries of Agriculture and Economic Development, and (involving also Education of Cultural Heritage and Conference of the Regions), as well as the Italian television network Rai, and the stars of Italian cuisine”, said the Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni, launching the first edition of "Worldwide Italian Cuisine Week" (November 21st to 27th) today at the government office Villa Madama in Rome.
The Minister said the event will narrate the world through cuisine, “which has a unique cultural value, because everyone associates it with the history and tradition of our country so we are working on improving and spreading it worldwide”, said the Minister.
“Italian restaurants around the world will be part of our diplomatic network and are mobilizing to support one of our strongest points, together with language, design and fashion. The director general of the Foreign Affairs Ministry has put together an action team involving public and private players that represent Italian cuisine, including institutions, Chambers of Commerce, food associations, cooking schools, networks of certified Italian restaurants, and of course chefs, from the most famous to emerging ones.
The agenda includes more than 1.300 events in 105 countries, coordinated by 295 embassies and consular offices (in Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Oceania), and Italian cultural institutes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There will also be 173 conferences with chefs, 98 events in local Italian restaurants and Fairs, 151 cooking shows, cooking classes and master classes, 334 tastings and themed dinners (dedicated to people affected by the earthquake, ed.), 23 contests, 32 academic seminars, 390 film screenings and theater performances, 32 exhibitions, media communication (partnering with the Italian state media network Rai (
The inaugural event, hosting the number one chef in the world, Massimo Bottura, will take place at the Italian Embassy in Washington.
“Food will have an increasingly political role”, said the Minister of Agriculture, Maurizio Martina.
“Our restaurants in the world sometimes have more diplomatic power than our diplomatic missions, anywhere and at all latitudes. We started a path towards becoming a team with Expo Milano 2015 and the Food Act. There are many talented people who are individualistic and are not a team in the kitchen. This initiative will be a terrific starting place to be repeated and a wonderful opportunity for democracy as well as narrating Italy – the authentic Italy, because we have a duty to focus our work and our efforts on protecting our products. Guaranteeing this is our greatest ambition because it responds to what the world is asking of us”.
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