The future of “Made in Italy” has some obligations according to the convictions of the two very different organizations Symbola (the foundation for Italian quality headed by Ermete Realacci), and Farefuturo (the organization headed by Italy’s President of the Chamber of Deputies, Gianfranco Fini) who believe that it will only survive by adopting a “green economy” and though it must include all sectors, Italian agriculture will most definitely have a role as protagonist.
The general secretary of Symbola, Fabio Renzi emphasized Italian agriculture will win, “by aiming towards production marked by quality, and wine is the greatest symbol of this success. Today, we produce 40% less wine than in the mid eighties but the value of export has multiplied five times, passing from 700 million euros to 3.5 billion. But Italy is still first in Europe for production of DOP and IGP, with over 180 certified products, second for organic production, and, together with France and Germany, is among the leading countries for direct sales between agricultural producers and consumers”.
“The Italian system has better withstood the impact of the crisis” – explained Adolfo Urso, the general secretary of Farefuturo and Undersecretary of Economic Development – “and now it can react first and best, above-all if it invests in the economy of quality and the environment. No longer is ecology a block for enterprises, but ecology is an engine for enterprises”.
And in Italy, there are studies that show 70.4% of Italians are requesting more information on the environmental impact of specific products, and 73% ask for more environmentally friendly packaging. It is a country made up of small enterprises and it is necessary to react locally by diminishing bureaucracy and at the same time create social responsibility.
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