The “ Masi Award” is one of the most long-lived and prestigious cultural awards in the wine world, awarded by the Masi Foundation, led by the writer and producer, Isabella Bossi Fedrigotti and by “Mr. Amarone”, Sandro Boscaini. The winners of the 40th edition of the award are: the famous physicist, Roberto Battiston, the environmental researcher, Jane da Mosto and the musician /entrepreneur, Paolo Fazioli, who received the “Masi Civiltà Veneta Award”. Professor Attilio Scienza, one of the world’s leading viticulture experts, received the “Masi International Wine Civilization Award ”. The Senator for life and Internationally renowned biologist, Elena Cattaneo, received the “ Grosso d’Oro Veneziano Award”. The “ability to look beyond the present, imagining new solutions to contemporary problems and audacity in embarking on a path not yet traveled are the characteristics that the winners of this edition have in common”, explained a note, highlighting that the winners have been chosen following the criteria of “Vision and Courage”.
“The choice of recognizing the talents linked to the historical area of the Venezie, in the various fields of human activity, relaunches the purpose of the Award since its first edition, in 1981. That is, to indicate them as valuable points of reference in civil and cultural growth and economic conditions of our territory and our country. In this context, the choice of returning to the impressive Lombard-Romanesque parish church of San Giorgio in Valpolicella for the award ceremony which hosted its first edition is deeply significant”(Saturday, October 23rd, in live streaming, ed.).
“Is it an exaggeration to argue that vision and courage have in a sense always been the prerogative of women? Perhaps. Yet, isn’t it true that women really dream more than men? And isn't the vision the fruit of the dream? It has always been said that courage is a thing for men, but it has also been known that behind every great man there is a great woman, who does not hide, fearfully, in his shadow, but rather supports him, to give him courage. There are two women among the winners this year, and it will be interesting to hear the stories of their dreams and their bravery”, commented Isabella Bossi Fedrigotti. “The forty years of the Masi Prize is divided evenly between the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the third millennium”, underlined Sandro Boscaini, “which puts us in a sort of hall of fame as it has become a natural reference to understand the past as well as a useful guide to thinking about the future. The Masi Foundation has consistently anchored the choices of personalities to whom to attribute the awards, to the civil and moral values, which over time have become the most unique patrimony of Venetian culture and tradition. Over four decades, it has been awarded to talents and exemplary people who, regardless of notoriety, best represent, each in their own way, the vision and courage we all need to face these challenging times of rebirth and reconstruction”.
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