The new worldwide food manifesto will be Made in Italy, or rather, Made in Piedmont. The faculty and researchers at the University of Gastronomic Sciences (Cuneo), which is celebrating 10 years of activity, are writing the finishing touches.
The guidelines of the document were presented today to the Minister of Agriculture Maurizio Martina.
“This manifesto”, said Martina, “ will be a significant contribution to the debate on the question of food, in view of the European semester of Italian Presidency. The production and consumption of food”, he continued, “represent a nodal geopolitical theme, as they can change the relations between states. I see the originality of the Italian proposal in this Manifesto”. Among the main themes in the document, which will be submitted for contributions from women and men experts in the field around the world, there are common goods (water, seeds, land) and technologies; the right to food; biodiversity and agricultural sustainability; well-being, pleasure, conviviality; taste and social relations.
“It is not a document just for the academic world”, said Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food and president of the University of Gastronomic Sciences”, but it is a work of research and sharing, open to the contributions of the multitude of people who devote their lives to the production of bread and butter, the distribution and intelligent enjoyment of food.
The manifesto exceeds”, said Petrini, “the anthropocentric vision of gastronomy, recognizing the rights of nature and of other species”.
Celebrations for the tenth anniversary of the University of Pollenzo continue tomorrow with the inauguration of the Pollenzo School of Cooking at which the Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini is expected to participate.
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