The phenomenon that has characterized the wine world scenario in recent years is the growth of bubbles at the expense of still wines, and it is bound to continue, for many reasons. Consumers of all ages love them, they are immediately understood even for less experienced people, unlike still wines, and there are fewer typologies (Champagne and Prosecco first and foremost, then sparkling wines from Napa Valley, the Spanish Cavas that have the biggest share of the market, and then types such as Cremant, the German Sekt and the classical Italian method, Franciacorta, Trentodoc, Asti and Oltrepò Pavese), which makes it easier to choose, since within the typology it is the brand that counts, more than the company name, except for some cases.
But, most of all, the difference is that bubbles are most in line with the spirit of our times. Traditional wines for special occasions have now become part of daily life because in today’s society people are more interested in the experience rather than possession, so it is always "time to celebrate", even for a casual get together with friends or relatives.
These are the results of the Wine Intelligence survey presented at Vinexpo. The survey revealed that the leader of this phenomenon is Italy, mainly because of Prosecco. The numbers speak quite clearly. From 2012 to 2016 aggregate consumption grew 1.3% in volume (251.6 million 9-liter cases) and 5.3% in value (26.1 billion US dollars), while Italian bubbles grew considerably more, accounting for 6% in volume (38 million 9-liter cases) and 11.4% in value (6.2 billion US dollars), and exponential growth on all major markets.
In the UK over 32%, making it by far the number one market, at 1.2 billion US dollars in value, but there was also significant growth in the US (+5.6% in volume and + 12.3% in value), and up to 30% growth (though they started from a very small base) in China, Sweden and above all in France, where Prosecco (as it has in the rest of the world, ed.) has managed to take over a larger space in the country of Champagne.
This is the trend so far, and according to Wine Intelligence there is no reason why it should not continue. Bubbles are a type of product that distribution enjoys as much as consumers do. They are fun, easy to sell, and they are also the product that maximizes profits, with significant margins, especially in the hotel and catering industry. The off-trade has expanded the shopping cart from a sporadic purchase for holiday occasions to become more and more structured and regular throughout the year.
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