Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

“Turnover” of wineries at Wine Spectator’s “Opera Wine” 2019 (April 6, 2019, in Verona)

Rumors from the “New York Wine Experience” have it there will be many new releases and new entries among the 100 wineries, to be unveiled at “Wine2Win
“Turnover” of wineries at Wine Spectator’s “Opera Wine” 2019 (April 6, 2019, in Verona)

The 2019 edition of “Opera Wine”, the prestigious tasting for the last 4 years has been a sort of preview of Vinitaly (to be held on April 6, 2019 in Verona), of the best 100 Italian wineries selected by the famous and influential US magazine “Wine Spectator”, might, instead, be renamed “Opera Revolution”. Alison Napjus, Senior Editor at Wine Spectator will present the new list on November 26th at “Wine2Wine”, the business forum endorsed by VeronaFiere and Vinitaly. However, rumors filtered through “Wine Experience” in New York held recently and promoted by the American magazine, which has starred over 50 big names of Italian wine, have it that a substantial “turnover” of the selected companies is coming, even among the representatives of the most important Italian wine territories.

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