From healthy and sustainability aspects fully entering among the criteria of purchase to organic products and coming from sustainable companies meeting the interest of a younger audience, and which strongly believes in circular economy and environment in a broad sense. And, still, the interest in great wines, and the attention paid to products that are easier to consume in the light of pairings with kitchen of different origins, considering that tradition and innovation can coexist and meet a market of reference where wide margins of growth are present. These are the consumption trends emerging by “BuyWine Toscana” 2025, the business event which closed yesterday evening in Lucca, and the prologue of PrimAnteprima (in Florence, February, 14, at Palazzo Medici Riccardi) confirming also the good interest of Tuscan wine at a world level, and, therefore, of the 50 denominations, with Igt Toscana followed by Chianti, Chianti Classico, and Maremma Toscana, the most represented ones.
A two-day of international showcase, “BuyWine Toscana” 2025, (with 210 wineries, including 96 organic-certified) with 160 buyers coming from 37 different countries (from Canada to the US, from Scandinavia to China, from India to Japan, from Singapore to South America, from Australia to Morocco and Tunisia, 4,000 meetings and 20,000 tastings in an event for sector operators) both from mature markets and emerging countries. Anyway, it was an event that confirmed a good international ongoing for the wine of Tuscany.
The vice-president of Regione Toscana (with mandate for agriculture) Stefania Saccardi to Winenews explained that “air of optimism, despite the not so easy moment is breathed, because the situation of markets is quite difficult, mainly for fears deriving from possible duties of the USA. We notice a good interest in Tuscan wine with many buyers coming not only from consolidated markets such as the US, Canada, but also from the East, from China, and Indochina surely representing important opportunities for our companies. Our ambition is that the contacts in BuyWine will transform into contracts, and in commercial opportunities”.
A prologue at “Tuscany Wine Week”, in which Tuscany of wine will continue to show off starting from February, 14th, in Florence, with PrimAnteprima 2025 (scheduled, among the others, president of Regione Toscana, Eugenio Giani, the same Stefania Saccardi, president Avito Francesco Mazzei, Fabio del Bravo of Direzione Filiere e Analisi dei Mercati Ismea – Supply Chains and Market Analysis Direction Ismea). Then, the meetings curated by the consortia: February, 15th and 16th “Anteprima Nobile” in Montepulciano; February, 17th and 18th “Chianti Classico Collection” in Florence; February, 19th “Chianti Lovers & Rosso Morellino” by Consorzio Vino Chianti and Consorzio Morellino di Scansano, in Florence; February, 20th “Anteprima L’Altra Toscana” in Florence; February, 21st “Valdarno di Sopra Day” in Il Borro (San Giustino Valdarno).
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