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TuttoWine is the new business project created by Unione Italiana Vini and FieraMilano

An event in an event, at TuttoFood (in 2019, from May 6th to 9th ), which aims to bring together Italian wine and experts from around the world
TuttoWine, an agreement between FieraMilano and Unione Italiana Vini

In the already quite full scene of wine events, and the city of Milan which is always looking for a central role in the wine world (and in business), there is breaking news: TuttoWine has been created at TuttoFood in FieraMilano, from May 6 to 9, 2019.  The idea is based on an agreement between the Milan Fair and the Unione Italiana Vini. “The event revolves around three key points: selection of players, incoming strategies aimed at modern distribution, and an innovative event-area where, under the banner L'Enoteca di TuttoWine, wine companies at the fair will be able to promote their products at the series of tastings and meetings, also dedicated to marketing issues”, explained an official note.

The announced goal is to present “specific business opportunities of the sector to Italian and international professional targets, in the broader context of an event that makes the coexistence of the different sectors of food & beverage one of its strongest winning cards”.
There will also be, of course, “contributions from the leading Italian and foreign wine journalists, market experts and opinion leaders, which will enhance a truly different exhibition program because it has been designed and implemented together with the people who live the modern market wine daily”.

The note explained further that “visitors to TuttoWine will enjoy a wide selection of wine companies, bottlers and wine distributors. Regarding incoming, in line with the TuttoFood strategy, top Italian and international buyers will be selected for the  high profile sector in importers and distributors categories, wholesalers, retailers, HoReCa, specialty shops and delis, modern distribution, airlines, naval and railway companies and, last but not least, e-commerce”.

This initiative is  obviously looking very much toward internationalization.  during TuttoFood 2017, 21% of the 2.850 exhibitors came from abroad; 23% of the more than 80.000 trade visitors came specifically from Spain, France, Germany, China, the United States, Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Canada and Belgium.

Furthermore, over half the wine produced in Italy is exported around the world. According to the initial results of the UIV Wine Observatory and the Italian Institute of Services for agrifood markets ISMEA, Italy has been confirmed the world’s leading producer, and  its 2018 vintage production is  estimated at 49 million hectoliters, which is a 15% increase compared to 2017. There are 310.000 farms and almost 46.000 of those are wine-making / bottling companies, spread over ​​652.000 hectares of vineyards , which generate 13 billion euros in turnover, of which the export share is 6 billion euros, amounting to an estimated 4% increase by the end of 2018.  The wine sector has a very high quality trend since the driving force of the sector are the PDO and PGI  brand wines, which represent 90% of the total value of still wines produced abroad, while sparkling wines are confirmed top performers, at an estimated positive export total amounting to 1.3 billion euros by the end of 2018.

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