A docufilm to tell the story of the rare ability to work as a team together with other competitors on world markets, but also with other colleagues in Italian vineyards, to affirm the strength of the diversity and of Made in Italy, which brings benefits to all. The 18 wineries, which are part of Istituto del Vino Italiano di Qualità - Grandi Marchi since more than 20 years, presented it yesterday in Rome, with names such as Ambrogio & Giovanni Folonari, Antinori, Argiolas, Ca’ del Bosco, Carpenè Malvolti, Col d’Orcia, Donnafugata, Jermann, Lungarotti, Masi, Mastroberardino, Michele Chiarlo, Pio Cesare, Rivera, Tasca d’Almerita, Tenuta San Guido, Tenuta San Leonardo and Umani Ronchi. They are able to put together 600 million of euros (4.3% of the total Italian turnover in 2023), of which over 55% is allocated to foreign countries, with a total value of around 330 million euros (4.2% of the total export share of Italian wine in 2023).
A docufilm narrating a journey with experiences, anecdotes, intentions, throughout the narration of president Piero Mastroberardino, honorary president Piero Antinori, and all winemakers being part of this prestigious “team”. Forty minutes to retrace the history of the group, from the first time they met to their commitment towards the emerging markets, from missions in various continents to the passing of the baton from generation to generation.
“We came back to Rome to share an important moment of this ambitious journey conducted together by a group of friends, earlier than colleagues - Piero Mastroberardino has underlined – all sharing a common feeling: the harmony of familiar values and those of our land, from which wine interpretations of rare beauty arise. The contribution of each of these ancient and prestigious family traditions compose a mosaic of good practices in the business world, which cuts across wine industry. From here, the proposal of a program of activities, which promotes ethical initiatives and high level of sustainability investments, by pursuing the mission of safeguarding and valorization our industry, making Grandi Marchi an harmonic representation of the biodiversity, which is typical of Italian wine heritage”.
Also the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida expressed himself about the importance of the role that Istituto Grandi Marchi has been playing for 20 years: “we have to give Istituto Grandi Marchi credit for having set individualism aside, in favor of teamwork – explained Lollobrigida – in this way, it demonstrated how Italy turns out to be successful when it acts a system, thanks to a heritage made up of extraordinary quality and human abilities which are in our Dna. We are in front of great families, representing their territories and being able to keep up with the times, without loosing the roots and their identities. At last, it is important to underline the way the wine of this group is proposed, in an approach to this wonderful product, which is made up of culture and awareness”.
“It was 2003 when we, as producers, met for the first time – explained Piero Antinori, first president of Istituto Grandi Marchi (here his interview to WineNews) – on the occasion of a Wine Experience in New York. This great adventure got off the ground: it saw our wine opening new frontiers, from Russia to China until South-East Asia, and the missions in Australia, India, Malaysia, and in other markets, that are considered emerging still today, but, that, at the time, represented a true pioneering operation. Over the years, our attention shifted to more consolidated scenarios: our missions in the Usa, Canada and Great Britain are already known, and, every year, they confirm the increasing interest towards these markets both due to our labels and for the style and culture that set us apart.”
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