“We have been a common law couple for 40 years, and only recently officially got married. But, we are very fortunate and privileged. Everyone has always been welcome in our country house and even the village has accepted us, so we thought the right thing to do was give back some of our good fortune to those who have no voice”. These are the simple words that Bruno Tommassini, owner of the company Prodigio Divino together with his husband Edoardo Marziari, used to explain to WineNews how they got the idea to donate the proceeds of their two leading wines, Vinocchio and Uvagina, to associations committed to spreading culture against bullying, and especially, homophobic bullying.
The company is located near Marciano in Tuscany, where fifteen years ago, the couple, who are both professional stylists, started to produce wine for fun. And then a bird watching friend of theirs created the labels, just for fun. Recently, a third partner has joined them, the comedian Fabio Canino, who has used his talent to spread their need to turn a passion into something useful for society. There are many opportunities in the entertainment world to do so, like the presentations of Canino’s book, “Rainbow Republic. Gay dystopian novel”, which often ends toasting with Vinocchio and Uvagina.
“It is quite satisfying. Especially seeing the surprised faces of people who think that this is “only” charity, so they don’t expect too much from the wine”, said Fabio Canino, “and instead they realize they are drinking good quality wine. This is pushing us to expand our production, to grow in visibility. Therefore, we are able to contribute more and more to financing the associations working against bullying in cities and schools, which intervene effectively both on the behaviors of those who bully, as well as of the victim. Because it is also important how we as individuals present ourselves to society that makes the difference”.
It is true that great business deals, new friendships, and important announcements have been made over a glass of wine. It can almost be considered “the glue”, the symbol of beauty that lies in diversity, or at least this is the philosophy of the Prodigio Divino company.
Their Vinocchio, a ruby red Sangiovese Canaiolo and Uvagina, a Vermentino Viognier Chardonnay, with their bizarre names, represent freedom of expression, which at the table becomes “freedom of taste”.
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