3.7 billion bottles consumed in 2011 make the US the leading country among the world's wine drinkers, reveals the Vinexpo-International Wine & Spirit Research report, which also includes a 10% consumption growth by 2015 among American wine fans who drink 13 liters per person each year. Good news for Italy, the largest exporter for volume and value in the US, in position 2 for total consumption, but a 2.7% drop is expected.
Italy leads the “Old World” followed by France and Germany. And, as expected, China wants more and more wine: 1.9 billion corks popped in 2011 toppled Britain from position #5. This is a symptom of a global trend: world consumption is expected to grow 6.2% and exceed 34 billion bottles in 2015, while in Europe, which today accounts for 62% of wine in the world, the prediction is for the opposite sign. Globally, France remains by far the leading country in export value with 6.6 billion euros of wine sold in foreign countries. Italy is at 4 billion euros, but is the leader in volume.
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