Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Vinitaly increasingly digital in the world, and, in Verona, tastings and events

A kaleidoscope of Italian wine, a lot of politics, and many new digital tools for producers, and the trade
Matteo Salvini e Luigi di Maio verso il Governo Lega-M5S

A lot of wine outside and inside the fair, and a lot of politics, as always, at Vinitaly, a reference appointment for the business of Italian wine, but also for enthusiasts and for the political agenda of wine and not only, for a sector that, for the increasing presence of the highest national and European institutions, in its most important event, confirms all its economic importance, and not only, for the Belpaese. Because in Verona, from 7 to 10 April, in addition to 4.600 wineries from Italy and 35 countries, which will meet professionals and buyers from over 140 countries around the world, “in the largest Vinitaly ever”, said the president of Veronafiere Maurizio Danese, at the opening there will be two vice-premiers of the Italian Council, the Minister of Interior Matteo Salvini and the Minister of Economic Development and Labour Luigi Di Maio, together with the President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, and the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, while there will be, of course, the Minister Centinaio, and also the President of the EU Parliament Antonio Tajani, and the Commissioner for Agriculture Phil Hogan. With many tastings at the fair, and events including wine, music, and glamour in the city.

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