Italian wine, even in the pandemic, as we have often told, was drunk. At home more than in restaurants, of course, in Italy, but also in the world. And, in general, the wine cellar stocks of Belpaese, after one year of limitations and closures of an “out of home” that is, slowly, trying to restart, are not so different, overall, than one year ago. On April 30, 2021, in fact, in the cellars of Italy, there were 52.7 million hectoliters of wine (more or less as much as the product of the entire 2020 harvest, according to ISTAT data, ed), +1.5%, compared to April 28, 2020 (while on March 31, 2021, the figure was +3.6 higher than 2020, ed). To which must be added 5 million hectoliters of must (-6.5%) and 123,650 hectoliters of new wine still in fermentation (-27.9%). This is stated by the latest report Cantina Italia of the Ministry of Agriculture on the data of the Telematic Registry.
As always, it emerges that more than half of the wine in the cellar is PDO (50.8%), whereas PGI “weighs” 27.2% of stocks, and 20.7% is made of ordinary wines. With the first 20 DOP and IGP wines which together account for more than 56% of stocks.
One liter of Italian wine out of 4 is stored in Veneto (12.7 million hectolitres, 24.2%), more than double that of Emilia Romagna (6.3 million hectolitres), Tuscany (5.6), Puglia (5.3) and Piedmont (4.3). Among the single appellations, Prosecco Doc is the no. 1, with 3.5 million hectoliters of wine in the cellar (8.7% of the total), ahead of Igt Puglia (2 million hectoliters) and Igt Toscana (1.5).
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