Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Wine, fashion & art. Sella & Mosca meets the designer Marras, to tell the story of the territory

Iconic Sardinian celebrities on the labels of the most famous wines of the Sardinian winery Terra Moretti

It's easy to say “storytelling”. It is much more difficult to create a story that narrates and really represents the territory. There is a land, Sardinia, one of its territorial excellences, such as Sella & Mosca (550 hectares of vineyards) of the Terra Moretti Group (which also owns Bellavista and Contadi Castaldi in Franciacorta, Petra in Suvereto and Teruzzi and Puthod in San Gimignano, ed.), and a fashion designer, Antonio Marras, one of the most influential names on the Italian design and fashion scene. There will be visions, suggestions and shared values signing the new labels of the winery’s wines, and its most symbolic wines, Torbato di Alghero, Vermentino and Cannonau.
The idea of the designer was to illustrate a fictional character on each bottle, which however draws on the collective imagination made up of its distinctive icons and crafts on the territory. In other words, like in the famous Spoon River Anthology, it is the people who will tell the story of the territory and of the wines.

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