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Wine in Moderation, a training course for professionals in the sector

Relationship between alcohol and health, topic more present than ever: a decalogue, edited by educators and scientists, guides the final consumer to responsible drinking
The great topic of moderation in wine consumption

The relationship between alcohol and health, which has long been at the heart of the European project “Wine in Moderation”, is now more relevant than ever. The battle in Europe of Italy and other wine countries, against the Irish proposal to include health warnings on the label that do not differentiate between use and abuse, in fact, makes the work of the European association that promotes the consumption culture about conscious and responsible drinking, even more present. “As wine producers, we are absolutely convinced of the difference that exists between use and abuse, but we must also take steps to train and educate the consumer on this difference, promoting responsible drinking”, explains to WineNews the president of Wine in Moderation, Sandro Sartor (CEO Ruffino), who launched a new tool, designed for wine professionals, which... educates them to educate at the ProWein stage in Dusseldorf (from today to 21 March).
“This is the time to take the field and act, because the wine sector is enormous, and embraces many areas and many players who come into contact with dozens of people every day. They are the ones who must promote responsible consumption methods in addition to telling the unique characteristics and stories of our wines. If we want to effectively support this difference, we must be engaged in the field, becoming educators in some way”, Sandro Sartor says, adding that “one cannot improvise, which is why Wine in Moderation has decided to develop a training module, a true decalogue, with the help of scientists, doctors, and educators, which provides for interactive training capable of truly helping the people who will be trained”. They will then be tasked with training those who work every day in the wine industry, particularly in the cellar and in contact with the public, in order to help them serve the product responsibly. “There will be materials available to both professionals and consumers to support this initiative”, says the president of Wine in Moderation.

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