Everyone knows that California is the heart of wine production in the USA, leading all the other states’ production, and also that there is probably no other state that can really be synonymous with wine production in North America. However, data that emerged from the report "The Economic Impact of California Wine & Grapes 2015", authored by John Dunham & Associates for the Wine Institute (www.wineinstitute.org) and the California Association of Grape Growers (www.cawg.org) are even more quite surprising.
To begin with, the wine industry has contributed to the economy of the "Golden State" for 57.6 billion dollars, and 114.1 to the Federal economy, creating, directly or indirectly, 325.000 jobs in California alone and 786. 000 jobs in all the States of the Union. Moreover, since the last edition of the report, dated 2009, the wine industry's contribution to the state and federal economies has increased by 17% and 19%, in a continuous crescendo of plus signs that began in the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Finally, wine tourism is an important voice for the GDP of California, as it attracted nearly 24 million fans in 2015, which contributed to the state’s economy for 7.2 billion dollars.
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