It is always the right time to visit the great wine territories; now, when the wine “Previews” are on stage, or in spring when the vineyard wakes up in all its lushness, or end of summer, beginning of autumn, at harvest time, and even in winter, when wine is resting in barrels, as the pleasure of drinking wine blends more and more with the beauty of the landscapes, history of villages and the countryside, art, designer wineries, and the food of the territory. Dozens of surveys have confirmed the fact that food & wine tourism is one of the number one driving forces for tourism in Italy. Considering wine, in terms of prestige and fame, Tuscany, Piedmont and Veneto are the top 3 Regions, and they have also been confirmed the Italians top choices in wine tourism. The Wine Monitor Nomisma survey presented in the framework of “Tuscany Previews” 2020, revealed that those who drink Italian wines would like to visit, in the following order: Tuscany (27%), Piedmont (12%) and Veneto (7%), ahead of two other regions rich in history, iconic landscapes, great food and wine, such as Sicily and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
What are the desires of foreign wine drinkers? Tuscany reigns supreme, but then the ranking changes for consumers in the USA, the UK and Germany, which are the top three Italian wine markets. Wine lovers from the United States have visited, over the last 5 years, primarily Tuscany, Sicily, Veneto, Emilia Romagna and Trentino, while those from the UK, or also called “Perfidious Albion”, now out of the EU, have mainly visited Tuscany, Sicily, Sardinia, Veneto and Lombardy. And, what about the Germans? Their first choice, once again has been Tuscany, then their neighboring region, South Tyrol, and then Sicily, Trentino and Veneto.
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