Between large numbers, quality that grows thanks to “pillars” such as Montepulciano, the red “jewel”, and Trebbiano, the white “soul”, but not only (how can we forget the great Cerasuolo), and territoriality, the future of Abruzzo of wine, land of wine, sheep farming, beauty and poetry, told by WineNews through the voices of leading producers and small artisans, and the verses of the great poet Gabriele D’Annunzio dedicated to his native land, wins “Words of Wine – Parole di vino” 2023, edition no. 7 of the Journalism Award, on stage today at the Coppa Zuccari Estate in Città Sant’Angelo, created and willed by the Vini d’Abruzzo Consortium to highlight the ability to narrate of journalists who, in the last year, have seized the opportunity to talk about Abruzzo, through the national and international media. “Which are fundamental for us - said Alessandro Nicodemi, president of the Consortium - in reaching the public, of the sector and the general one”. Together with the director Alessandro Regoli, founder of WineNews with Irene Chiari in 2000, also Tom Hyland, wine writer of “Forbes”, Gianluca Atzeni, author of the weekly “Tre Bicchieri” of the “Gambero Rosso”, Lara Loreti, journalist and sommelier of “Il Gusto” of the Gedi Group, and Lorenzo Frassoldati, historical signature of “QN - Quotidiano Nazionale”.
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