Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Zonin1821 capital increase and new shareholder (rumors)

A new member seems ready to join, with a capital increase and a share that would keep the control of the company in the hands of its current ownership
Francesco, Domenico and Michele Zonin

One way even for solid companies to grow is by opening their capital to investors. This is true also for the most important Italian wine companies, like Zonin1821, number 4 among Italian wineries for turnover, reaching 201 million euros in 2017. It is now under the leadership of the brothers Domenico, Francesco and Michele, who hold over 85% of the shares, while a new member seems ready to join, with a capital increase and a share that would keep the control of the company in the hands of its current ownership, according to rumors in “Corriere della Sera” and “Il Sole 24 Ore”.

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