SMS The Liv-ex 100 is negative for the second month in a row (-0,4%). Poggio di Sotto soar 06 Dicembre 2022
Report Schenk Italian Wineries in Piedmont, partnering with Cantina Vallebelbo cooperative 01 Dicembre 2022
First Page “Top 100 Wines of Italy 2022” by James Suckling: Barolo at no. 1, but 21 out of 100 wines are Igt Toscana 06 Dicembre 2022
Focus Italian wine challenges the ocean: the first 1,000 bottles set sail for the U.S. 06 Dicembre 2022
Wine & Food Vinarius winemakers in 2022: sales down because of the hot summer, but hope is for end of the year sales 06 Dicembre 2022
For the Record EU promotion, wine and meat are “safe” from funding cut, at least for 2023 09 Dicembre 2022