More than a vault, it is like the hall of a museum, such is the value - not only economic – safeguarded here. It is a collection of 36 vintages of Brunello di Montalcino Riserva Biondi-Santi out of the 40 produced since 1888, that Hedonism Wines, the temple of luxury wines shop in London and one of the most prestigious wine shops in the world has preserved. Biondi-Santi has inaugurated a collection here (open from today to December 31st) that the prestigious London wine shop is selling as the only vertical, starting from Riserva 1945, up to 2013, the last one launched, at the price of 52.400 Sterling pounds (i.e. 61.357 euros). It is truly a “dream lot” for the fine wine collector, because the ultimate goal of man is the achievement of pleasure. The Biondi-Santi lot is definitely a way to elevate Brunello di Montalcino to the most authentic and exclusive expression of “Pleasure of life”, in a unique, one of a kind project.
“This collection is unique, thanks to the meticulous collection work of Alistair Viner, head buyer of Hedonism Wines. I believe it is the first time in our history that we have seen so many vintages of our Riserva, all together in the same place, outside of “La Storica”, the Tenuta Greppo cellar dedicated to the historic vintages of Brunello di Montalcino Reserves. Only the oldest vintages, 1888, 1891 and 1925 are missing here”, commented Giampiero Bertolini, CEO of Biondi-Santi. “It was a deeply felt emotion to enter the vault and breathe in the story of a large family, from Tancredi Biondi Santi, author of Reserves such as 1955 and 1964, to Franco Biondi Santi and vintages such as 1975, 1985 and 2010, and Jacopo Biondi Santi, who signed the most recent Riserva, 2013. It is an emotion as well as a stimulus to continue the evolution of this great wine, and to add other great vintages in the future”.
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