How many empty and unused buildings are there all over Italy? Is it possible to use these buildings in "zero growth" projects? These are the questions the national campaign "Save the landscape, defend the territories" by the Italian Forum movement for land and landscape hopes to find an answer to. The initiative, that started today, is the first systematic survey ever conducted in the over 8.000 municipalities in Italy to find out exactly how many unused, empty and not rented houses and buildings for commercial use there are.
Every Mayor in Italy will receive the census that has been drawn up by administrators, architects, urban planners and professionals in the sector. The municipalities are required to complete it within 6 months so the Forum will have a map of all the not rented buildings on national territory. The Italian forum movement for land and landscape was founded to stop consumption of Italian land and this "census" of existing land is the first step to proposing a system - to be adopted within a brief time frame - to stop urban planning that does not take into consideration local community needs and that permits useless and excessive building developments, especially considering the availability of already existing buildings. The goal is to rethink urban planning and approve "zero growth" projects.
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