The vineyards of Soave, with their World Heritage Site for the FAO (Giahs) vineyards, have remained unchanged for hundreds of years in their devotion to the practice of viticulture, but at the same time subject to the changes of an increasingly extreme climate, between beauty and fragility, especially for steeply sloping areas, reproduced with the use of drones in high-resolution 3D models for an “erosion map” which, thanks also to information coming from ground-based monitoring of instability phenomena, allows a better understanding of instability processes such as erosion and landslides and to report preventive interventions to instability: here the Soilution System, the innovative project of the Soave Consortium, the protagonist of the international virtual meeting of the European Union Assembly on Geosciences (Egu), live on the web until May 8, with 15. 000 international scientists connected.
The research of solutions that allow keeping intact the interaction between the agricultural practice and the hilly ecosystem are at the base of the research project started in 2019 by the Consorzio del Soave together with the Consorzio del Lessini Durello, the University of Padua, Wba (World Biodiversity Association), Agrea, the Consorzio di Bonifica dell’Alta Pianura Veneta and Irecoop Veneto, besides some companies of the territory. The project - financed by the Veneto Region through measure 16 - has a total duration of 3 years and although some activities have been suspended, others are continuing with decision and the dissemination of the results is one of them.
“Soilution System has been selected among the most interesting presentations, thanks to the innovative aim of the project - explains Paolo Tarolli, professor at the University of Padua, scientific coordinator of the project - and the work carried out in the last year will be presented in a dedicated session in this important moment of confrontation with the scientific world. Italy and Veneto are once again at the forefront of research projects dedicated to the study of the landscape and the territory, and doing this work in a Global Agricultural Heritage, preserved by the FAO for its uniqueness, gives the whole value of even more prestige”.
The Egu (European Geosciences Union) organizes every year in Vienna an assembly involving thousands of scientists from all over the world to talk about soil, earth, and climate issues. Due to Covid-19, this year the event is organized online and each presentation is made available in an open-access format. Anyone can download and consult the presented material. There will also be a live-chat moment to discuss the contents of individual presentations. Because the research has never stopped.
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